Fab Faves:
*Vaseline- Put it between their butt cheeks and get the first poo wiped away quickly and easily! It's a trick a friend shared and it so totally worked!!
*Aden and Anais swaddle blankets- This takes you to the girl version of what I have. I have some of the plain white ones (easy to bleach) and the ones with foresty creatures on them. I loved them because they were big enough to actually swaddle my baby boy and because they're thin enough that I wasn't worrying about him smothering himself as he ninja-ed his way out of them. One of our doctors at the hospital nicknamed him "tiny baby assassin ninja" because of how quickly he could get out of their swaddling. (If THEY couldn't contain him, what hope did I have?! Enter these blankets!) Notice the blanket.... used as a blanket, not a swaddle. Baby ninja at work!
*Breast Pads- Get some! I've enjoyed a couple of brands, settling on Lansinoh because they carry them at Walgreens (where my hubs works and gets a discount). They're crucial to preventing the awesome leaks we spring once baby arrives AND they keep you from constantly having the "pointer sisters" make appearances everywhere.
*Avent Bottles- My boy has gas issues and reflux stuff going on. I originally breast fed exclusively. We started having issues in the middle of the night (NOT a good time for issues) and it was causing more and more gas.... a very vicious cycle that was painful for all involved. Sooo- we went to my pumping exclusively (at 4 weeks) and used these bottles for feeding (various sizes) and for pumping. They're awesome!
*Motorola Digital Baby Monitor- Ok. This thing is uh-maz-ing! I love it so much! It lets me see my boy all the time, day or night. It lets me see what the temp is in the room, lets me start music on his end when I'm downstairs, AND I can even talk to him (or ask my husband if the camera has the baby in view best and he answers from downstairs with the handheld unit). It's seriously the best monitor I've seen in person. I'm very thankful for it!
*Munchkin Dishwasher Basket- This is the best way to get your bottle pieces, pump pieces, and pacifiers cleaned without worrying about them falling down into the dishwasher heating coils. Such a simple fix!
*Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water- A friend turned us on to this stuff and we loooove it. It's great for settling tummies and for getting the baby to shut up quieten down. Big bonus?? It's all natural and organic. We try not to give meds unless it's completely necessary, so a natural remedy is perfect!! We just put the paci in the opening, shake, and insert into baby's mouth. That also keeps us from giving him very much, even if it is organic/natural.
*Soothie Pacifiers- Speaking of a paci... these are the best ones for a newborn. They're really the only ones that my son will even take right now (at 10 weeks). We keep a ton of them around just to make sure we never have a minute without one within arm's reach!
Note: This is NOT the proper usage of the paci.... this is what happens when a daddy plays with the baby. |
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Proper usage! |
*Graco Pack-n-Play- This is the holy grail of pack-n-plays. The newborn sleeper is where J slept for the first two months of his life, loving the gentle vibrations as he snoozed. We slept with the sleeper on the bed beside us, making it super easy to safely cosleep. (It removes from the p-n-p reeeally easily.) It also has rockers on the bottom so you can use it like a bassinet on the ground if you'd like. The only downside I've found so far is that our changing station part bent down and we have to prop it up now. It's still totally worth it to get this one and I'm pretty sure we can return it and get one without this issue.
*Graco Sweetpeace Swing- This is in the same pattern as the p-n-p just mentioned and Graco keeps the standards just as high with the swing. It does it all- plays all sorts of music, womb sounds, even your iPod! You can even take the seat out and turn it to swing side-to-side instead of front-to-back. You can also adjust the seat size to fit baby as they grow. Even though our J isn't a huge fan of swinging yet, it's still the bomb-diggity. (Yeah- I went there.)
*Sleep Sacks- They make changing a hundred billion diapers a day way easier! A lot of them come with the mittens as part of the sleeves--bonus! I am currently enjoying our zip-up fleece one that is closed around the feet (helps keep his little footies warm since he refuses to keep socks on for more than thirty seconds).
I got a crib that was on sale and then bought a changing table and dresser that matched perfectly.... from Craigslist for $100 total. I'm cheap I love a sale.
Oh- and get a playmat. J only likes his for about 10 minutes at a time, but those are precious minutes and he looooves kicking the toys. I don't think there's a huge difference between different ones, so I'm not linking one. (The pic at the bottom shows the one my sweet aunt gave us!) Use your judgement of what you like and what you think your baby would enjoy! You know best!
Could Have Done Without:
*Bottle Scrubber- that's what a dishwasher is for.
*Eight bajillion blankets- find a few types you like and get them in several colors. You don't need every kind under the sun, but a variety of textures and styles will keep it interesting without being absurd about the number you have. ***NOTE***The hospital will give you as many as you ask for (*ahem* or take).
*Baby Powder- I know that's what everyone used to use for diaper issues, but we've found that creams work better. Our dr also said that powder is recommended anymore because of potential issues with babies breathing it in. (Don't know about all that, but it's more of a preference for us.) Walgreens brand of cream works just as well as the name brand kinds.
*Love this playmat!!
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